P.E. Resource Roundup

Happy Monday! I can't believe it is already week three. This week we start health and next week our first unit, soccer! As I get ready for another full week, I just wanted to share the awesome resources I've used recently. Here goes my first P.E. Resource Roundup!


Fitness Activities:


Fitness Musical Hoops



My modification:

  • When the music stops, only one kid was allowed in each hoop. Any students that weren't in a hoop come to the middle to do exercises.


  • In the middle of the gym I laid out four fitness binders, each one opened to a different photo demonstration of an exercise.  Students were then instructed to go to the first binder the first time they got out. Then the second binder the next time out, and so on. The fifth time they were out, they went back to binder one.


  • I would take hula hoops out every third-ish song stop.


Tagging Games:


Stars Wars Tag



My modification:

  • The only change I made was to Yoda. I used a foam ball to signify Yoda and called it the Ball of Light. Then when a student used the ball to transform a stormtrooper into a rebel fighter, the student also gave his/her classmate the Ball of Light. I told them goodness is meant to be shared, not kept for yourself.


Team Building Games:


Jump In, Jump Out






Invasion Games:


Speed Ball


speed-ball-soon, the physical educator, pe activities.via The Physical Educator


My Modifications:

  • We only played this for a few minutes so not many modifications yet. But I can see a need for a "don't-pass-to-the-person-who-passed-it-to-you" rule.


Prairie Dog Pickoff*



via The Physical Educator


My Modifications:

    • Due to my large class size and limited equipment, my students worked in pairs.

    • I started off with one teammate running and trying to steal the cone while their teammate protected the cone. If they were tagged they had to run back to their home base and switch roles with their partner. After a round of so of this, we added soccer balls to the mix.


    • Once we got to build three, I used words like invade and conquer, build and protect your empire, and revolution (for when a team's cone was knocked over and they left a big empire).


*You could definitely use this game to teach social studies!


Thanks for sharing!

Well, that's all of the new games/activities I tried the past two weeks. Thanks to the amazing blogger/vloggers for sharing your engaging content!!!

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Hello. I'm  Janelle!

A middle school health teacher turned curriculum developer (and #WAHM). I'm on a mission to share the easiest-to-teach, most impactful health lesson plans on the Internet. Because your time and energy is better spent on teaching and connecting, not on planning and prep.

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