The Skill
Advocating for Others
Giving public support for an idea, plan, or way of doing something in an effort to improve the well-being of others.
The ability to stand up for yourself, ask for what you need and want, and to make decisions about your life based on your personal values, interests, and needs.
Why It Matters
Learning how to advocate empowers individuals to enhance their personal well-being, while also giving them the tools to help boost the well-being of others.
How to Do It
Skill Cues for Students Advocating for Others
Step 1) What’s your passion? - Identify an idea, plan, or way of doing something you’re passionate about
Step 2) Get your facts straight - Research an idea, plan, or way of doing something to make sure you’re sharing accurate and up-to-date information
Step 3) Know your audience - Define who your audience is and choose a method of communication they’ll respond to
Step 4) Craft your message - Create a message to promote a specific idea, plan, or way of doing something
Step 5) Put it into action - Share your message
Step 6) Reflect and adapt - Evaluate the results (how well the message was received) and adjust messages as needed
How to Do It
To advocate for yourself you need to use your voice to take ownership of your life by expressing what you're feeling, defining what you need and want, and making decisions based on your values.
FREE Skills-Based Online Workshop!
A work at your own pace learning experience to help you discover what skills-based health education is, why it's important, and how to create a skills-based classroom.