Health Education Choice Board

A Free Health Education Resource


Health Education Choice Board

Teaching health remotely in the midst of a global pandemic is no joke. Students have varying access to devices and the Internet. Some teachers are expected to carry on with business as usual. While others are being told, they can't teach any new content or grade work. Some have to print everything. Others are mastering foreign eLearning platforms.


And that's just teachers' teaching responsibilities. Many also have their own kids to homeschool and take care of. It's just crazy!

Free health education resource - Health Choice Board, a free health lesson plan featuring heatlh activites, health lesson ideas, high school health lesson plans, middle school health lesson plans. Review the dimensions of health with this skill-based health activity. Boost students SEL and mental health with this SEL activity and Mental Health lesson plan.

To help take some of the crazy away, I've designed a free health education choice board. The purpose is to refresh and reinforce, not teach new content. Plus, it can be printed off or shared digitally.

Health Education Choice Board

This free health education choice board is a self-guided, health-at-home activity. Activities connect to the eight different dimensions of health and help reinforce comprehensive, skills-based health.


Most activities only require a pen and paper with a few needing coloring supplies and/or a smartphone. I've also included a few extra lesson plans (see below).


This free health education choice board comes with:


  • Two health education choice boards - - Each featuring four dimensions of health with 16 activities on each board.


  • Lesson Plans: How to Write a Personal Mission Statement - - Check it Out



  • Blank Fixed Mindset vs. Growth Mindset poster

Download Free Health Ed Choice Board

How to Use the Health Education Choice Board

So you're interested but aren't sure how a choice board works. Really, it's completely up to you. But here are a few examples. After giving students a choice board, you can ask them to...


    • Complete one or two activities from each column


    • Pick and complete five activities (with a max of two from each column)


    • Do a certain amount of activities one week and then do a few more the next week.


Seriously, you can structure it however you'd like. Do whatever works for you and your students!

More Digital Resources...

Before signing off, I want to make sure you've also checked out our other digital learning resources:






  • Also, note that most of our resources are Google Classroom compatible, hosted on Google Drive with Google Slides student worksheets, Boom Card activities, and Google Forms. - - Shop Lesson Plans

Free Resource Library

Grab the freebie featured in this post, along with 30+ other free goodies in our Free Resource Library! Sign up below for instant access.

Hello. I'm  Janelle!

A middle school health teacher turned curriculum developer (and #WAHM). I'm on a mission to share the easiest-to-teach, most impactful health lesson plans on the Internet. Because your time and energy is better spent on teaching and connecting, not on planning and prep.

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