Teach students about the dimensions of wellness, fundamental health principles, the Wellness Wheel, healthy habits, and the health skills with these 11 free lesson plans. This free resource provides access to the first module of the middle and high school editions of the Project School Wellness Curriculum (a comprehensive, skills-based health education curriculum).
The Middle School Preview
The High School Preview
Discover What Makes Our Lessons Different...

A Detailed Teaching Guide
Each lesson comes with easy-to-follow written instruction. The teaching guide outlines the main learning objectives, a list of the National Health Education Standards met, links to the necessary teaching materials, and how to teach the lesson.
An Instructional Video
This voice-over video is a step-by-step walkthrough of the lesson, outlining exactly how you can teach the lesson.

A Teaching PowerPoint
Each lesson comes with a teaching PowerPoint to share with students. PowerPoints can be opened in Google Slides or downloaded.
PDF & Google Slides Student Worksheets
Student worksheets come as PDFs and Google Slides. This makes it easy for students to complete and turn-in work on Google Classroom or another eLearning platform.

Assessment Rubric & Answer Key
Student activities come with assessment rubrics, answer keys, and student examples (when applicable).
Free Curriculum Sample
Sign up to receive 11 free heatlh lesson plans from the Project School Wellness Curriculum!
Hello. I'm Janelle!
A middle school health teacher turned curriculum developer. I'm on a mission to share the easiest-to-teach, most impactful health lesson plans on the Internet. Because your time and energy is better spent on teaching and connecting, not on planning and prep.