Resource Highlight: Fitness Lesson Plans

Ready-to-Teach Health and PE Lesson Plans

Woo Hooo! I'm sooooo excited to share our latest resource, Fitness Lesson Plans!


Just before Winter Break, I wrapped up this unit in our brand spanking new fitness center! Yes, can you believe it, our middle school has it's very own fitness center! Overall, I was very happy with this unit. And I'm beyond excited to share it with you! Here are the dets...

Fitness Lesson Plans for middle school and high school health and pe teachers


Outline: Fitness Lesson Plans

I organized this unit a bit differently than most of my PE units. Usually, we're in the gymnasium the whole class period, moving around and learning. However, with this unit, we split up our time between the classroom and fitness center - - The first half of each class period was spent in the classroom discussing topics and concepts about physical health. And for the second half, we were in the fitness center working out.

Here are the topics we discussed during the first part of each lesson:


  • Day 1: Introduction to Physical Health
  • Day 2: The Value of Fitness
  • Day 3: Components of Fitness & the FITT Principle
  • Day 4: Goal Writing
  • Day 5: Designing Workouts
  • Day 6: Creating a Personal Fitness Program

Fitness Lesson Plans for middle school and high school health and pe teachers


Here are the workouts we did during the second half of the class:


  • Day 1: BOSU AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
  • Day 2: Plyometric Circuit
  • Day 3: Yoga Ball Rounds for Time
  • Day 4: Dumbells Pyramid
  • Day 5: Kettlebell Ladder
  • Day 6: AFAP (As Fast As You Can)


Each workout introduced students to a different workout format and to various fitness equipment.

What's included in these no-prep unit plans:


  • Teaching guide with instruction videos, detailed directions, teaching PowerPoints, grading rubrics, and an answer key for each lesson
  • Quick print student packet with student worksheets and grading rubrics
  • Six workouts with instruction posters
  • Two visual vocab sorts - -  Physical Health and the Components of Fitness
  • Physical Health discussion sheet

Fitness Lesson Plans for middle school and high school health and pe teachers

I'm really happy with how this unit turned out and so excited to finally be sharing this unit with other health and PE teachers! Plus, I'm SUPER happy that I won't have to prep this unit again, it's all ready to go for next year(yay for easy prep)!

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Hello. I'm  Janelle!

A middle school health teacher turned curriculum developer. I'm on a mission to share the easiest-to-teach, most impactful health lesson plans on the Internet. Because your time and energy is better spent on teaching and connecting, not on planning and prep.

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